I usually don’t follow fads—but one hot trend I’m really into these days is simplifying.
No, I’m not going nuts and buying one of those “tiny houses” that are all the rage right now. Are you kidding me? I couldn’t even fit my shoes in one of those. And speaking of shoes, I’m not giving up any of those, either. Instead, I’m simplifying my life in three ways. First, I’m getting rid of stuff that’s cluttering up my house. Second, I’m saying no to over-commitment. And third, I’m getting more and more selective about the people I let into my life.
In my own journey to simplify my life, I’ve come up with some ideas that I think will help you, too. Here they are.
1. Get rid of at least ten things every week. I’m not talking about little things like paper clips or those ancient take-out soy sauce packets in your kitchen drawer. (That’s cheating.) I’m talking about clothes you no longer wear, books that are collecting dust on a shelf, and kitchen gadgets that you haven’t used in a decade. If someone else can use these items, donate them. Otherwise, if you can’t recycle or repurpose them, toss them out. Over time, you’ll clear out entire drawers, bookcases, and closets.
2. Escape from at least one obligation that’s weighing you down. I do volunteer work because I want to help make the world a better place. However, I’ve learned that if I say yes to too many volunteer projects, I can’t do a good job on any of them. If you’re over-obligated, here’s my suggestion: List all of your current obligations, rate them in order of importance, and say “no” to the ones at the bottom of the list. For more ideas, see this Huffington Post article.
3. Say goodbye to at least one person who’s negatively impacting your life. I know you can’t always part ways with negative people—especially if they’re family members. But if there’s a manipulative, vindictive, or overly needy person you can gently ease out of your life, do it. If you can’t completely avoid the person, minimize your contact as much as possible.
Take these three steps, and you’ll be amazed at how much more functional your house becomes, how much more free time you create for yourself and your family, and how much more positive energy you have. You’ll even be healthier and slimmer, because you’ll be way, way less stressed (and less stress translates into a healthier, slimmer you).
So don’t just sit there … Simplify!
Keep Thinking Big & Living Bold
P.S. On the note of making things more simple. Here is my SENSATIONAL SUPPLEMENT of the week:
I am always getting pressed about the BEST multivitamin, and while I typically like a more targeted approach to nutrient deficiencies, due to the nature of SIMPLIFY here is my favorite multivitamin. I like it because it has the basics you need in ONE capsule, and I just love this PURE brand. You can get it at my web store (your one stop shop for supplements, see I told you that you could make like more simple & easy!)
ONE MULTI-VITAMIN: http://www.npscript.com/wellconsulting/o-n-e-multivitamin/PU0863PAR#undefined2