Happy Wednesday to all my WELLNESS Warriors!
I believe that JOY is a spiritual practice! How can you cultivate JOY in your life? How do you currently make JOY included in your daily ritual?
The dictionary defines JOY as a noun with 3 definitions:
a feeling of great happiness
a source or cause of great happiness : something or someone that gives joy to someone
success in doing, finding, or getting something
7 Ways to cultivate JOY:
Want more joy in your day? Cultivate it! Joy springs from viewing the day’s events from a spiritual perspective. With this intentional focus, you’re sure to see today differently—with more joy and conviction that God is at work in your life.
1. Rehearse with God the reasons you trust Him. Which of the attributes that you personally have make you joyful? What are you grateful for that you bring to this world?
2. Keep a “joy journal.”Record the reasons you have to rejoice and the reminders of God’s faithfulness that you encounter in your everyday life. In addition, why not press a leaf from your prayer walks into its pages or include a photo of a person that brings you joy each time you remember him or her? Think big—expand your journal into a “joy box” or a “joy drawer” that brings floods of joy each time you open it. I know for me there is a picture of my Father- he lived JOY in all that he did and he continues to inspire me!
3. Surround yourself with joyful people.Joy is contagious—so build relationships with friends whose lives exhibit their confidence in God. Pray that your joy in heart will continue to increase.
4. Approach life’s challenges and trials redemptively. God doesn’t waste the difficult circumstances of your life but uses them to develop the essential character in you. Joy will sneak up on you when you view your hardest lessons as gifts of learning.
5. Make praise and gratitude a habit. Have your challenges given you greater opportunities to see your greater purpose? Joy flows from a grateful and responsive heart. Before you turn in at night, write down three to five blessings in your “joy journal.” Make it a habit, and watch your joyful attitude grow.
6. Fill your mind with music.Listen to, sing, and meditate on music that draws your heart closes to the JOY in your life.
7. Take the long view. Investors advise their clients not to worry about the daily ups and downs of the stock market—what matters is the long view. Does life present incredible challenges today? Are your reserves at a low, or are you enjoying a content plateau? Regardless of today’s events, take the long view.
*Remember, joy springs from viewing the day’s events from eternity’s perspective. Trust that JOY is in the details and with putting it in the forefront of you spirituality you will find a greater sense of JOY in all acts you encounter. Choose HAPPINESS & CULTIVATE JOY and keep changing the world!
Peace & Wellness to all of my inspirational warriors (thank you for bringing me JOY!)~ Meg
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